Student Government Association

Throughout the year, the Student Government Association (SGA) facilitates, coordinates and participates in numerous activities, and initiates policy proposals to benefit the student body.

SGA encourages student leadership on campus and works to promote healthy relationships between students and faculty/staff through dialogue with university administrators. The goal is to better serve undergraduates and enrich each student's Ambrosian experience. 

Weekly Meetings

Sundays at 8 p.m.
Rogalski Center, Gottlieb Conference Room

Current Students: More SGA Info on MySAU Portal Request Money from SGA

SGA on Social Media

Instagram: SGA_SAU

Twitter: SGA_SAU

Meet Your SGA Board


Scroll through to meet Declan (President), Ireland (Vice President), Slade (Treasurer), and Carol (Secretary).

More Information

SGA Leadership

Executive Board (2022-23)

  • Student Body President: Declan McDonald
  • Student Body Vice President: Ireland Stewart
  • Secretary: Carol Alkhouri
  • Treasurer: Slade Dias

University Advisers

  • Dean of Students, Christopher Waugh, PhD
  • Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Engagement, Jason Richter
History of Student Government at SAU

The Beginning of SGA
With the needs of the students growing, the demand for a representative organization began to grow too. The students rallied and elected nine classmates to form a Student Government Board. St. Ambrose College (as it was then named) granted and recognized the creation of a student council. The first formal meeting was held during the fall semester of 1926.

From the 1925-1926 Yearbook
"During the scholastic year, 1925-1926, the Student Council was organized in the College Department. The purpose of this organization is to cooperate with the faculty and the administration of all matters pertaining to the student body. It tends to better the morale of the students by placing on their shoulders a share of the responsibility in managing their affairs and gives them an opportunity for self-expression, whether personally or through their representatives.

"All classes will have at least two representatives on the Student Council. The freshman are allowed two delegates, sophomores three, juniors four, and seniors five. The president and the vice-president of the senior class are ex officio president and vice-president of the Council. The presidents of the freshman, sophomore and junior classes are ex officio members of the Council. The delegates hold weekly meetings at which anything of student interest is discussed. Recommendations are voted on and then, subject to the approval of the Council advisor and Board of Discipline, are put into effect."

Senate 1925-1926
President.................Forrest Ensfield
Vice President.........Matthew Hart
Advisor....................Rev. M.A. O'Connell

Senior Representatives:
Harold Baker
Don Carmody
Sebastian Menke
Howard Urie

Junior Representatives:
Robert Bloom
Francis Marlin
George Cummins
Kenneth Martin

Sophomore Representatives:
John Burns
Michael Manjoine

Freshman Representatives:
James Hanley
William Kerrigan

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